Edinburgh Adapts - driving adaptation action for the capital

Project On-going
Date added: 26/08/2016

Helping Edinburgh to be a thriving, fair, resilient city and region where people, communities and nature flourish in a changing climate.

Edinburgh Adapts is a cross-sector partnership with 12 member organisations and supported by Edinburgh's Net Zero Leadership Board.

The partnership includes City of Edinburgh Council, Scottish Water, SEPA, Edinburgh World Heritage, Historic Environment Scotland, NHS Lothian, NatureScot, University of Edinburgh, Heriot-Watt University, Napier University, Edinburgh College, and Sniffer (through the Adaptation Scotland programme).

Climate Ready Edinburgh Plan

The Edinburgh Adapts partnership has recently published a draft of the city's second climate adaptation plan: Climate Ready Edinburgh.

The plan sets out a vision that:

Edinburgh will be a thriving, fair, resilient city and region where people, communities and nature flourish in a changing climate.

Climate Ready Edinburgh provides a roadmap to enable public and private organisations, businesses, communities and individuals to work together to build a resilient and flourishing capital city.

City of Edinburgh Council consulted on the plan between January and May 2024, and will be publishing the final version later this year. Where relevant, it will also align with the regional approach being developed through Climate Ready South East Scotland.

The new plan builds on the first Edinburgh Adapts Action Plan, developed with support from Adaptation Scotland in 2016.

Project downloads
Edinburgh_Vision_Final_For_Web.pdf(PDF format - 3,110.64 KB)

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